The Ways of Better Shortcuts
Masters & Millionaires
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These are the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires, and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy. It's all here for your life. and Healthiest Website Book Introduction Header">Do Masters and Champions Get Satisfaction?
The Ways of Better Shortcuts cannot fail, since the Ways of Better Shortcuts is based on shortcuts proven to work, shown in the stunning, and, more, the REPEAT achievements of the people whom we most consistently admire. The Ways of Better Shortcuts cannot fail to work for us, we can only choose to fail by not working the Ways of Better Shortcuts. How often in life do you get rock-solid guarantees? Nothing you have experienced is comparable to your use of your own, internalized, already-present Ways of Better Shortcuts.
Master secrets of the universe, the best success shortcuts applicable in your concerns of health and wealth, cannot fail us: We can only fail to use them. Shortcuts to satisfaction are a fine example of how powerfully our minds and desires can advance the quality and even quantity of life. the happier we are, the more efficiently our immune systems work, and when we have health, it's FAR easier to pursue life's sublime pleasures.
In the belief that all of us have too few sweet moments of life, and too many sour ones, we definitively benefit from one of the surest, most complete shortcuts to more and larger doses of satisfaction. Say that again, and think that again: More and Larger Doses of Satisfaction. If your life is such a bowl of cherries that you don't want more and larger doses of that laid-back "ooohhh yesssss," well then feel free to pass this on to someone who does.
Let's look at the word satisfaction. the creators of Latin, the language from which 1200 root words create 100,000+ words of the English language, knew what they were doing. All of our words have a clear rationale for why they are constructed the way they are. It's fascinating, and not too uncool.
Since the only way to understand how sweet a feeling satisfaction actually is -- is to feel it -- you are now asked to bring up from your internal memory banks a reaaaally good experience that left you with… you got it… that feeling of satisfaction? Take a moment please to bring it into focus before reading any further. One of your really great moments.
... Got it? Remember how you felt? Nice feeling, isn't it? In fact, if you're genuinely focusing on it this minute, you're actually smiling and/or reliving it a tiny bit, true enough?
Hang on to your socks, because this perfect fact of life is going to alter the speed and accomplishment if not the entire direction of your life within minutes of using it.
First, you must answer one question:
What did you personally have to do with the event? Virtually nothing ever happens to you that you didn't contribute to with one or more actions; so, what did you contribute to the event that had you smiling and feeling good? Since we know you can identify your contribution, the question is, will you identify that contribution?
As it is with every single construction of every single idea, invention, book, or item sold, the absolute fastest way to get anywhere is to work backwards and live forwards. Double and triple your results in any given field of human endeavor in as little as sixty seconds. From tossing paper balls into a garbage can from across the room to generating love, money, music, or anything else you are willing to envision, the only limit is the limit that the face in your upstairs mirror sets and accepts.
Using a map? Making use of that map is nothing less and nothing more than working backwards and living forwards. You start by examining where you want to end up, and then use written or printed instructions on how to get there from where you are now. If you ever discover an exception to this rule of working backwards and living forwards, please advise the world immediately. We will shower you with Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, acclaim, accolade, and piles of money. Trial and error is wonderful for those who like to go the long way in order to take longer to accomplish less, mathematically and chronologically speaking. Working backwards and living forwards is faster, and more fun.
Eat simplest of pleasures, satisfaction, fits the rule Let's work backwards, so that we can enjoy it forwards, in at least one or two larger doses in this very 24-hour period, s'aright?
Start by looking at the last six letters of the word "satisfaction." Even you aren't likely to argue against the reality that when we want that physical and emotional feeling of satisfaction, we obviously must take action, agreed? Really great things don't happen until we contribute, right?
Great. Now, look at the first five letters: s-a-t-i-s. That's one of our 1200 Latin roots. It means "enough" or "sufficient."
Finally, look right in the middle of the word: "fac" from the Latin "facere" which means to create from pieces, such as in manufacture, or factory.
So let's just jump right in to the middle. When we create sufficient action, we get a feeling generated by having created sufficient action. the word we use is, ah, you guessed it, you genius, satisfaction.
Once you actually acknowledge to yourself that Life is going to deliver only the rarest moment of true satisfaction except for those occasions where you personally increase its occurrence, your mind is better attuned to look for opportunities to make those moments happen. The simplest pleasures come from something that you did to encourage it.
Reading two Robert Crais novels this weekend, both with a protagonist who has a cat, I was lamenting my own inability to keep pets at this time. Less than an hour ago, I was pleasantly surprised to find a cat quietly, contentedly sitting on my living room floor. In Brooklyn, NY, some of our neighborhood's homeowners occasionally feed stray cats to encourage their presence. This keeps the rodent population at a lower level than in other neighborhoods.
Although the four cats that I've seen now and then near my house have never once let me approach them, this unexpected-yet-welcome visitor allowed me to feed and even tickle him a bit. Such pleasure did it bring me to solemnly hand my new friend pieces of chicken one at a time, which he plucked from my fingers with careful consideration, and even a measure of feline dignity. When I went to the kitchen for more, I returned to find he'd gone into my bedroom and plopped right under my bed. I was astonished, and pleased… and yes, satisfied.
Refusing any more of the chicken I offered, he let me rub his head a bit, and then calmly walked over to the window and jumped out.
While it would be easier to attribute his visit to serendipity or coincidence, memories of occasionally bringing food out into the driveway and speaking to this particular cat in a non-threatening tone of voice is what we could more accurately attribute as the reason for the feline trust extended to me this evening. Once again, Newton's Third law of physics paid off nicely, because there was no small
Nothing ever happens by accident, and the wise man and woman know that there are few coincidences in life. Where there is a cause, you will find an effect, and when you examine an effect, more often than not you'll identify the cause.
Work Backwards, Live Forwards Ways of Better Shortcuts Master Shortcuts
Do not think to be bashful about making things happen. Work backwards, live forwards, by determining what would most satisfy you, and then identifying the last step before achievement… then the step before that… and the one before that. From quality time with loved ones, developing artistic or vocational skills, there's no human effort immune from satisfaction when we pursue it intentionally and deliberately, with a plan for doing so. Before you fully realize it, you'll be experiencing more and larger doses of that wonderful feeling we call satisfaction.
Work backwards; live forwards. It's worked for all our great philosophers, inventors, and medical researchers. In fact, it's already worked for you. Today, you're urged to use it more, and with planning aforethought rather than waiting for it to come to you. Watch what happens.
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Dedicated to the adoring memory of Mnsgr Bernard Francis Kellogg, Jr., better know as "Bernie" of the twinkling eyes
© EasyStreet, USA by Mr_Shortcut, Masters and Millionaires SR, Lead Speaker All rights reserved for those who feed people who haven't been able to feed themselves.
Welcome to the Ways of Better Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires,
the largest personal website on the internet... achieved through the use of... you guessed it... successful shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires in this magnificent .
Ways of Better Shortcuts Satisfaction Shortcuts Shapetalk Poem By Way Of EyeCandy Poetry
Satisfaction shortcuts, bringing up the rear of effort,
the subject of perception, when the best is future-tensed,
since great satisfaction shortcuts only work without exception,
when the inspiration of satisfaction is well-matched with perspiration.
Your Ways of Better Shortcuts satisfaction, breaks through all deception,
Healthiest Website Book satisfaction, invites longevity that's fully accepted.
The explanation for satisfaction is found in the very definition of satisfaction,
where latin satisfaction brings a higher sense of impact when we know just what it means,
where satis and facere slide into action, once again, great shortcuts to satisfaction.
Face reality: If today is the first day of the last year of your life, what do you do?
Does satisfaction have a different level of value, counting out remaining days?
Like excellence, satisfaction does not and cannot happen for you accidentally
Like excellence, satisfaction can be a choice, made in advance, intentionally.
Approximately every page of the Ways of Better Shortcuts has satisfaction,
specifically, satisfaction shortcuts most often hidden right in plain sight.
With shortcuts and YOUR sufficient action, you develop satisfaction.
When you create sufficient action, you pre-produce satisfaction,
and the use of greater shortcuts yields more with lesser action.
Determine and IDENTIFY your satisfaction in advance, with specificity.
The more precise your predetermined location, the closer you get to it.
The Healthiest Website Book assures you of greater satisfaction by intention.
The Ways of Better Shortcuts warrants your greater satisfaction by intention.
Ways of Better Shortcuts Satisfaction Shortcuts Shapetalk Poem By Way Of EyeCandy Poetry
Satisfaction shortcuts, building echelons of effort,
the arena of perception, after the best is future-tensed,
since true satisfaction shortcuts engage effect without exception,
where the titillation of satisfaction is finely matched by perspiration.
Your Ways of Better Shortcuts satisfaction, seeing past deep deception,
Healthiest Website Book satisfaction, inveigling longevity preternatural.
The recognition of satisfaction is seen in the simple definition of satisfaction,
wherein latin satisfaction yields a higher sense of impact when we know just what it means,
where facere and satis blend into action, repeating greater shortcuts to satisfaction.
Live within reality: If today begins the final year of your life, what is satisfaction?
Does satisfaction have a newer, deeper wave of value, totting remaining days?
Like excellence, satisfaction cannot and will not occur for you by accident.
Akin to everything you have excelled at, satisfaction may be a choice intentionally taken in advance.
Pretty much every page of the Ways of Better Shortcuts presents satisfaction,
in particular, satisfaction shortcuts most often hidden right in plain sight.
With your sufficient action supported by shortcuts, satisfaction expands.
If you grasp that all of your satisfactions had to do with you, do more.
However it may seem extrinsically-generated, look to what you did.
Something YOU did added to the foundation of your satisfactions.
When you create sufficient action, you pre-produce satisfaction,
and the use of greater shortcuts yields more with lesser action.
Identify and define in advance your perception of what satisfaction is.
The more precise your predetermined location, the faster you get there.
The Healthiest Website Book self-provides more satisfaction by intention.
The Ways of Better Shortcuts yields up your finest satisfactions by intention.
Satisfaction Through YOUR Ways of Better Shortcuts
Surprise yourself by examining your satisfaction, and what is required to produce your satisfaction.
Satisfaction is what we seek,
because satisfaction provides a peek,
at the action we cause with sufficient repetition,
successfully overcoming inherent deficient internal nutrition.
Satisfaction is such a major part of your health,
since satisfaction is a part of your ultimate wealth.
Satisfaction for me, sure, and satisfaction for you,
we are guided to satisfaction by our actions, true.
Fact is, satisfaction is simply our own creation of sufficient action.
That's why the Ways of Better Shortcuts brings so much satisfaction,
because the Ways of Better Shortcuts is about repeating sufficient actions.
Remember that when we create sufficient action, we create satisfaction, right?
Satisfaction As In Ways of Better Shortcuts Satisfaction
Allowing satisfaction shortcuts to guide.
Satisfaction shortcuts in a world that's topsy turvy,
satisfaction shortcuts can make straight what's now is curvy.
Satisfaction shortcuts produce MORE satisfaction shortcuts now,
when the Ways of Better Shortcuts teaches precisely when & how.
Satisfaction shortcuts made to please the greatest of teachers,
even when satisfaction shortcuts turns off the typical preacher.
Liking satisfaction is not the same as wanting that satisfaction.
Most everyone would like a Rolls-Royce, only a few really want one.
The difference, of course, is in what consitutes personal satisfaction.
Those who WANT a Rolls-Royce do what is needed to satisfy the desire.
Satisfaction gets achieved by the manufacture of a sufficiency of action.
The Ways of Better Shortcuts in you is most surely crying out for satisfaction.
Do you have a written list of what it is that would bring you YOUR satisfaction?
Have you created a written list of the people and organizations who can help you?
How many people know what would bring you satisfaction? How many are helping you?
The people who obtain the greatest levels of satisfaction in life ask more people for help.
Above all, they ask more people more times each... until obtaining the satisfaction they seek.
The Ways of Better Shortcuts offers you this prescription for satisfaction, for gaining satisfaction.
If you know a better method or approach for attaining satisfaction, you are urged to use it every day.
What you know plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, regarding satisfaction.
In point of fact, this master secret applies to approximately everything you undertake to do throughout life.
Try the Ways of Better Shortcuts technique for gaining satisfaction, based on the etymology of "satisfaction."
gy of "satisfaction."
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www.Success-Shortcuts.US - The Ways of Better Shortcuts is constituted of the best success shortcuts
Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts, for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids. Health, of course, is true wealth, its theft so often done in stealth. When you have one, you get the other, and without it is worse than having no mother.
Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see, both the Ways of Better Shortcuts and Healthiest Website Book.
Use enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.
This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Ways of Better Shortcuts.
Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Ways of Better Shortcuts, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Ways of Better Shortcuts and Healthiest Website Book.